Our aha moments and sparks of inspiration are always fleeting. Having a tangible object to remind you, is like holding a key that unlocks that feeling.

Daily Ritual Adornment

This is usually a simple piece of jewelry that you actively put on each day as a reminder of an intention you set or a daily practice you are committed to. The jewelry itself becomes a part of that practice. As you slip your ring on your finger or pendant around your neck your are acknowledging what it represents. As you feel the weight of it throughout the day it calls you back.

You can use jewelry to remind you of…

Personal practices:

  • Gratitude practice

  • Creative/writing/art practice

  • Self compassion practice

  • Meditation practice

  • Movement practice

  • Connecting with a loved one


  • An intention, word, phrase, affirmation, or “north star”

  • A prayer, a wish, or a spell

These are just some examples. The piece you create can represent anything that you want it to.


Heirlooms & Lineage


Rings of Love